Sunday, September 9, 2018

The People's Failure and God's Faithfulness (September 9, 2018)

Review: Last week we discussed how God created a good world, but this good world was made bad by man’s sin. This sin in the world created hardship and pain as well as death, both physical and spiritual. Sin is huge problem. God is holy which means he is completely separate from sin. So, our sin creates a separation between us and God. God, however, has provided us with a way to deal with this problem. Remember the promise that God made? He said that the offspring of Eve would crush the serpent (Genesis 3:15).

Question: Who was the serpent and who is the offspring? (Review Hebrews 2:14).

Key Point: God chooses to work his plan of defeating sin and death through one family found in Genesis 11.

Overview of Genesis 4-10

Key Point: Man’s Continued Sinfulness
·         Cain murders Abel (Genesis 4:8)
·         Increasing corruption on the earth (Read Genesis 6:5-8)  
o   God is so grieved by the sin he sees that he decides to destroy the whole earth, except for one family. If God would have wiped out the entire world right here how could he have fulfilled the promise he made in Genesis 3? But because God is faithful he does not break his promises even though people are making sinful choices. He saves Noah and his family, blesses them, and tells them to be fruitful and multiply just like He told Adam and Eve.
o   It seems like the world is getting a fresh start through Noah and his family. Will it be better this time? No. In Genesis 9 we see that sin is still a problem in the world. Noah gets drunk and then by the time we get to Genesis 11 we see that men are still sinning.
·         Men work to build a tower to be like God (Genesis 11:1-9)
o   Does this remind you a bit of Adam and Eve? Eve ate the fruit in the Garden, so she could be like God (Genesis 3:5-6). The pattern of sin has been continued.
o   God confuses the people’s language and scatters them. We then are given a genealogy showing us all the descendants of Shem, Noah’s son, leading us all the way to Abram.

Overview of Genesis 12-50

·         In Genesis 12 we see something very special happens when God speaks to Abram.
·         Read Genesis 12:1-3. Here we see God fulfilling the promise he made in the garden. He promises to bless all people through Abraham’s family.
·         Look at the genealogy chart. Jesus comes from Abraham’s family. Through Jesus God fulfills his promise to Abraham to bless all people through his family.
·         So how does God bless all people through Christ? Read Romans 5:12-21. We see that while sin came into the world through Adam, freedom from that sin and eternal life come through Jesus Christ.

God’s Plan in Danger

·         So with this promises and the blessing from God, do you think everything is going to go well for Abraham and his family?
·         When we read through the rest of Genesis we see over and over again how Abraham’s descendants make sinful choices that seem like they would stop God’s plan to bless the world through Abraham’s family, yet God rescues them from these situations each time.
o   In Genesis 12 and 20 we see how Abraham lies about Sarah being his wife because he fears for his life and she is taken from him. Without Sarah, Abraham would not be able to have the family that God promised him and promised to bless us through. So, what does God do? He saves Abraham from his sinful choice by sending plagues on the people who took Sarah until she is returned to Abraham.
o   Later in Genesis we see that Abraham’s descendants, Jacob and his sons, are in danger because a famine has hit the land. God, however, worked through the sinful actions of Jacob’s sons to save them. Joseph one of Jacob’s sons had been sold into slavery in Egypt after his brothers had tried to kill him but God was with Joseph and helped him to rise to power. He eventually became second only to Pharaoh and was able to give his family food that helped them to survive.
· Why would God do this? Why would he not just let us get what we deserve for our sinful actions?
o   Reason 1: God loves us. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
o   Reason 2: God is faithful. 2 Timothy 2:13 says “if we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself.” Even when we make wrong choices, God still keeps his promises because being faithful is a part of who God is and God never changes (Numbers 23:19James 1:17).

Key Point: God is always faithful even when we are not


Corruption: wrongdoing, dishonesty
Faithful: loyal, constant, and steadfast
Genealogy: a family tree, a line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor
Holy: separated, set apart
Offspring: children


Going Deeper

Look up these promises found in God's word.
Will God ever break any of these promises? Review 2 Timothy 2:13 and look up Numbers 23:19 and James 1:17.

Reflect: Think of a time God has kept his promises to you.

Praise God in Song:

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