Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Fall of Man and God's Promise (September 2, 2018)

Today we are going to start at the very beginning.

Read: Genesis 1.

What do we see God says about his creations over and over again? His world was good and God saw the world was very good after creating people. 

Do you think the world is still good? 

Adam and Eve made a wrong choice that had consequences (pain, work is harder, death) but God still took care of them (makes clothes for Adam and Eve). He did not kill them for their evil actions but instead promises the defeat of the serpent. 

Read Genesis 3:15. God says the serpent will be crushed. 

Who is the serpent? Look at Revelation 12:9.

The serpent is the devil. So when the serpent is crushed evil is defeated. 

Who will crush the serpent?

The woman's offspring/seed will crush the serpent but He will be hurt in the process (you shall bruise his heel). Jesus is the woman’s seed, who crushes the serpent (Hebrews 2:14-15). 


Going Deeper

Praise God in Song:

We can have victory over 

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